Map-based Web Portal to Visualize Select SDG Indicators of Kochi City

Developed for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

SHA was commissioned by GIZ India to assist the Kochi Municipal Corporation (KMC) to implement a website that showcased identified SDG indicators for the city. The base indicator data came from a different institution. SHA’s role was to develop a map-based web portal that would be accessible to practitioners, researchers and the general public.

  • SHA designed and developed an Amazon Web Services (AWS) web-stack consisting of a geoserver to host the geospatial data and a visualizer front end.
  • The entire stack was linked to a website developed specifically for the purpose. This is now publicly available at
  • SHA developed the documentation on the implementation of the web-stack and website and handed over the administration to KMC officials