Studies and recommendations for the sustainable development of institutional campuses

Studies and recommendations for campus of the Tamil Nadu Institute for Urban Studies (TNIUS) and the Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS)

I led a series of technical studies assessing the options for sustainable development of these campuses. The inquiry was centred around strategic development plans of these institutions and the carrying capacity of the identified land and sites for the same. We developed strategic medium-term options for the physical development, and financial outlays in order to help prioritize them.

  • Several reports and databases of scientific and technical studies conducted
  • Reports/plans on options for physical development in the medium-term, integrated with the institute’s programme and financial phasing

IIHS Bengaluru main campus development is well under way using the studies as a reference. TNIUS was able to raise strategic development funds for its campus from the XV State Finance Commission of Tamil Nadu.